ArtLab — Episode 10

Guess what? ArtLab is making a comeback! And this time we’ve got three new girls on our team. We’re extremely excited to have Megan, Clara, and Anika joining our “crew!”

Megan took the liberty to post the first comeback episode; she made some super cool drawings with oil pastels. Make sure to check it out.

Anyway, onto my watercolor and saran wrap technique and pattern-full flower ATC.

My inspiration…


I used this picture from Pinterest, just to help me visualize what I wanted.



For the background of my ATC, I tried a new technique. I started out by painting my card with bright watercolors. While it was still wet, I laid a crumbled-up piece of saran wrap (or sandwich bag) on the card.



Sadly, it didn’t turn out the way I was hoping it would. But sometimes art does that to you. Trust me–it happens to me all the time. I usually start to give up, but then remember my post about how it’ll never be perfect. Once I’m done the project, I almost always love it, and I’m glad I stuck with it. So remember, don’t give up.

I’m pretty sure my paint was too wet, and that’s why it didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.



I’m a strong believer in drawling with a pencil before using a sharpie. (Which is permanent, you know…) So I drew my flower with a pencil. I was extremely glad I did it this way; let’s just say the eraser was my friend today ;).



Twenty minutes (and a few erasers) later, I started tracing with my fine-print sharpie. The tracing took a while, since I wanted it to be the best it could be.





And it’s finished! In the end I was extremely happy with it, even though it wasn’t like the picture on Pinterest. And it got me thinking… Why do I always want my art to look like the pictures I see on Pinterest? If my creations were just like the other persons, they would be unoriginal. And no one likes unoriginal…




And of course, right after I put the last touches on the card, I taped it to My ATC Wall. I think it’s a great new facet of my display, what do you think?

If you wanna see all the ArtLab episodes in one place, follow The ArtLab Blog. And if you were inspired to make  art from any of our episodes, email pictures of your creations to artlabblog [at] gmail [dot] com. We’d love to share them!

Are you gonna make an ATC with this inspiration?


P.S. Want more inspiration for your art? Make sure to check out my ATC Motivation Board on Pinterest.

P.P.S. If you’ve been anticipating the third part of my Blogging Series, trust me, it is coming soon.

P.P.P.S. (I’m almost done, folks.) If you want a chance to win a prize, just for making art, check out this awesome 12-hour art-a-thon that my sisters and I have participated in for many years. We’ve gotten to know the hosts, who are awesome, btw. Don’t worry, you don’t have to make art for 12 hours straight. If you don’t have a Facebook personally, you can use your parents. It’s happening Saturday the 13th, 8AM-8PM. So don’t miss it!


7 thoughts on “ArtLab — Episode 10

  1. Ooh, that’s so neat, Hayley! I love that kind of drawing! Oh, so you’re not actually hosting the 12 hour thing? Okay. I guess I’ll have to persuade my Dad to let me use his Facebook then. XD


  2. I love that ATC! I just wanted to let you know that after seeing your post I taped up all of my ATC’s around my windows in my room. And I told one of my friends about ATC’s so we can make some together and trade! Thanks for the inspiration ❤


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