
Today I will be sharing the top 20 reasons why I love homeschooling! So let’s just hop on into this!

why I love homeschooling

  1. I don’t have to get up early. This really depends on your parents. But my mom is sometimes lax and lets me sleep in.
  2. I don’t have to get dressed. I usually stay in my PJs hours after waking up.
  3. I don’t sit at a desk! One of my favortist things about being homeschooled is that I don’t have to sit at an uncomfortable desk or table all day. My mom lets me do my school work on the couch, curled up with a blanket, and sometimes even in bed.
  4. I have time to do more. Another thing that I take for granted is that I can focus on subjects I really need to grasp better. And I can take time to do what I enjoy… Like blogging! And observing nature while keeping a nature journal, which is really fun.
  5. I never get snow days. But it’s ok! We still get to play in the snow hours every snow day, but yet we get to end school for summer break sooner than the kids who have to take off a dozen or so days over winter.
  6. I work at my own pace. If I’m having trouble with a certain subject, my mom and I always take extra time to make sure I totally understand that subject.
  7. I get to have snacks while I’m working. I love to curl up with my mom and work on math and reading with a warm cup of hot chocolate or tea!
  8. I can go grocery shopping without crowds. Unless you count Senior Citizens, that is. It’s the best to be able to go out shopping, in the middle of the day, and have no crowds! And all the gray-haired shoppers are so stinkin’ cute!
  9. I never have homework. I always wanted to play with my friends on the street when they got home, but, they never could because they had homework. Guess what? I don’t ever have to bother with homework! Well, I do have homework… it’s taking care of the animals, and perfecting my pitching!
  10. I can end school for summer break when I’m done all my work for the year. I don’t have to wait for some random date on the calendar. I can work hard, get my work done, and let summer begin!
  11. I can talk about religion, God, and the Bible. I actually have a Bible study every Thursday with other homeschoolers. And during the week I do my study as independent work and on Thursdays we talk over the answers, it’s really great.
  12. I have time to read what I want. I personally love to read. Right now I’m reading the Love Comes Softly series.
  13. I know I’m safe. Sometimes public schools aren’t the safest place. But you will always know your house is safe.
  14. No silly uniform. Unless PJs count!
  15. No bed time! Usually kids my age don’t really have a “bed time,” but they don’t get to stay up as late as I do (which is usually 10:00-10:30).
  16. I always know who my teacher’s going to be.
  17. In high school, you can attend college classes. Now, obviously, I don’t go to college classes, yet, but my sisters did. They attended college classes (in community colleges) on subjects that they enjoyed. Like science and math.
  18. Beach days! My mom loves to take off school (or even bring school with us), pack up, and drive to the beach for the day when kids are usually still in school. And a good thing about that is you don’t have to bother with the crowds of people, like in the summer time!
  19. Everyday life is school. Dyeing Easter eggs is art; kayaking and bike riding is gym. And making a game about your town is part of history.
  20. My friends aren’t all my age.  I have many friends who are not in my grade, and even adults! If I was in regular school, I wouldn’t even get the chance to talk to them.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. What’s your favorite thing about your school (even if you’re not homeschooled)?


24 thoughts on “Homeschooling

  1. I am homeschooled too! I love it as well. I found your blog the other day, and I just wanted to say that I LOVE it. It looks very professional and I enjoy reading your posts 🙂


  2. This sounds so much like us!! My mom lets us (or, I should say “me” now, since I’m the only one still in school 😛 ) take off days, too, but to go to Disneyland! Having snacks, staying in PJ’s, lunch break with I Love Lucy – I LOVE being home-schooled! 😀
    I just followed your blog and I just want to say that I love it! You are very real and open and I really like that 🙂 Also, it’s great to find another home-schooled Christian girl 🙂
    Keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m homeschooled too! It seems several bloggers are ( maybe because they have more time to post? ). It’s nice to find a fellow homeschooler! 🙂

    ❤ maplelea ❤


  4. Great post. I wasn’t homeschooled but I have a friend that home schools her kids. She’s asked me to come speak to them about public speaking and being a comedian. It was a fun experience. I’ve also been a judge for homeschooled kids in speech and debate. Clearly there are a lot of benefits to being homeschooled.


  5. Fabulous list, Haylely! Most of those things are why I love homeschooling too. No homework, working at my own pace, having more free time. People often think I’m limiting myself, but I’m actually more free to be who I want and explore my interests deeper!
    We’ve got to spread the word out!


  6. Hi Hayley!

    I am a homeschooler, too! I LOVE it! I’m 12, but thanks to Homeschooling, my grades range from 6 up to college level! (Of course, not in Algebra. I’m suffering through Pre!) Anyway, thanks for doing this post! I agree with ALL of that!

    – Allie


  7. Hi Hayley!

    So glad to have found your blog! I am a homeschooled Christian girl too, and I agree that just because you are homeschooled doesn’t mean you are clueless when it comes to conversing! I think it is so neat that all these girls so akin to me have blogs. Passions, and all!


  8. I am homeschooled…well, actually my Mom recently said I know everything I need to know, so I am done!! The awesome perks of homeschooling!! I loved it!! One of my favorite reasons you posted was #8. I love going to stores when you are the only young person. It is fun!!
    Great post❤️


  9. I’m not homeschooled but I do go to a private Christian school which I really like. It’s pretty small, only about 160 kids.


  10. I’m homeschooled too! And I totally agree with every thing you said about homeschooling! Love your blog, by the way!!!


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