Goals for 2017

goals for 2017


These past few months have been interesting, to say the least. And I’ve been very unproductive (actually, I’ve been extremely lazy). But with the new year here, I decided to make some goals for the year ahead. They’re nothing extraordinary. I kept them simple, so I could actually accomplish them.

{{ Blog Goals for 2017 }}


◊ Start working on my (every-other-month) newsletter (finally!) ◊

I never actually announced my newsletter, Failing and Flourishing. But back in November I was working on an exciting new addition to this blog–a newsletter–that will be made to encourage and help bloggers. The success of my blogging series led to this fun idea.

◊ Get active on my Facebook (I’m serious this time) ◊

I know, I know, I say this a lot. I don’t follow through because I easily get discouraged when no one interacts with or reacts to my posts. But I’m not gonna let that get me down this time.

(And if you have a Facebook, please like my page!)



◊ Be more committed to ArtLab ◊

I’ve been so out of ArtLab for the past couple months. But don’t worry, ArtLab will be back into the usually weekly posting schedule in no time (I think the rest of the girls feel that way too).

◊ Make a video or two ◊

I’ve been thinking about making a youtube video to share on my blog for many months now. And I’m determined to finally make one this year. (I’m not really sure what the video should be about; got any ideas?)

◊ Do a couple more ATC trades ◊

My past two ATC trades were hits, and I’m eager for the next ones. So this year will be the year of ATC trades :).



I’m a photographer. I love being behind the camera, snapping life’s crazy, beautiful, random moments. But I don’t share too much of that on my blog. I’ve always wanted to share more with you guys. This year I will.

◊ Comment on more posts ◊

I read posts but don’t always know what to say, even if I enjoyed it. It’s time to start commenting on posts again.

◊ Meet one of my blogging friends ◊

I’ve been wanting to meet one of you for almost three years, but I still haven’t met any of you. But I’m hoping this year I’ll get to hang out with a blogging friend.

{{ Random life GOALS FOR 2017 }}

◊ Write to my pen pals ◊

I feel bad when I don’t write for months on end. Plus, I enjoy sitting down to write a letter, so why don’t I do it more often?

◊ Paint my room ◊

This summer, I’m determined to paint my room. The last owner actually painted right over wallpaper, so you can see lines where the pieces connect. It’s quite annoying.

◊ Keep my room clean (FOR REAL!) ◊

I tell myself this every month. And sometimes I stick with it for a couple of days. But this time, I’m gonna make myself keep it clean.

◊ Keep in better touch with my friends ◊

I need to talk to my friends more often, especially my BFFL. I’ve talked to her almost every day this month, and it always cheers me up, so I definitely want to keep that up.

What are your goals for this year?


30 thoughts on “Goals for 2017

  1. Ooh, that sounds so EXCITING! Woohoo! I hope you can complete your goals, Hayley!
    I’m really looking forward to the newsletter, the ATC trades, the meeting blogger friends (AHEM *cough, cough*), and really all of your goals! I’ll bet this year will be stupendous! 😀
    Oh, and as for a video… hmm, you could combine the ArtLab and video thing and do a video for ArtLab. XD Or you could do a blogging series or something…? Anyway, I’m super excited (have I said that already?) to keep reading your blog and participating in all the fun things you have planned. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome goals! I can definitely relate to the “comment on more posts” one. I’ve been pretty bad with that the past few months…XD I hope all your goals are reached! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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