Challenges for every blogger {{ Part one }}

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Original photo by THE CRAFTED LIFE.


Welcome to my new mini series — Challenges for every blogger to work at — I’m hoping by the end of this week we all will have challenged ourselves and improved our blogs.

And let me tell you, the things I will be talking about this week are all things I have to do and work at as well. So don’t think I’m pointing fingers. I’m just trying to help ya’ll (and myself).

I challenge you bloggers out there to push yourselves a little bit in your blogging “careers.” We all can get better, and I think some of these simple pointers might help us all.

{{ Give it your all. }}

Do you only publish a blog when you KNOW it’s your best work?

‘Cause if not, what’s the use? Who wants to read your half-hearted work? I know I wouldn’t. If I see a post that is unedited–you know, those with poor spelling and punctuation?–I never get past the first paragraph. You know those posts that have over-used exclamation points and capital letters? I won’t read those either.

Dark, blurry pictures? I’m done.

Plus, what’s the use of anything if you’re not learning and getting better at it?

{{ Get better at what you do. }}

This is the key to running a great blog (at least I think so): continual improvement.

Write stronger posts. Shoot better photography. (Even if you don’t have a nice camera, there are still plenty of articles out there about how to take amazing pictures with just your iPod!)

Why not give your blog a makeover and learn more about graphic design? I definitely suggest learning the basics of HTML with this post: HTML Cheat Sheer for Beginners. <– Read that post. She lists numerous helpful HTML tags. And there are also many free online classes that can be very informative.

I can’t tell you guys how many times in a day I scroll past helpful articles on Pinterest that are so informative about everything you’d ever need to know about blogging. Pinterest is amazing for bloggers. If you don’t have one… GET ONE. (Just make sure to not get addicted.) Ask me to join my group board “Blogging Motivation.”

What I’m saying is, you have to try to get better. You have to want to get better. Every day I’m learning something new that helps me with my photography, blog design, or writing.

{{ Give it time. }}

Don’t expect an immediate response. It sometimes takes weeks, or usually months, for your followers to notice your improvements. No one becomes an expert in a day. Everyone needs time to improve.

Just because your hard work isn’t noticed right away doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile endeavor. Even if your work never gets recognized, you have improved and grown in your experience. Not everything is about impressing others.

Plus, if no one comments on your hard work, it doesn’t mean they don’t realize it.

17 things you should be doing before + after you hit that “publish” button.

^^ That post is very helpful. I definitely advise you to check it out. (She even includes a free printable checklist to help you make a better post.) ^^


And make sure to watch for future posts in this mini series, which will be coming up later in the week.

What are you gonna work at on your blog this month?


23 thoughts on “Challenges for every blogger {{ Part one }}

  1. Hmm…wow. That’s a good point.. even though I don’t want to admit it, It really IS a good point. :/ *sigh* 🙂 Hmm….
    Well.. I would say my posts are USUALLY pretty good with that…but I just don’t know!!! 😦 I’m already on the computer SO long just putting what it says… Ugh. I’m just making up excuses.. 😉 I guess I should try to make my posts a little better. Thanks, Hayley. Do you have any advice for my blog(s) specifically? Something that makes you not want to read my posts that I could try and fix? :/ (Other than over-use of emojis, exclamation points, and chunks of sentences… wow, that’s still a lot of stuff that I could work on… )

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely agree with everything you said! When I first started out blogging I was always using caps and millions of exclamation posts, but I’ve really calmed down a bit in that area. I only do that now if I’m SUPER excited about something.
    I don’t like it when I read blog posts that you can just tell the author didn’t put a lot of thought into. If I see more than one or 2 typos, I feel like that person didn’t read through their post first and that drives me crazy.
    My blogs are something I want to do professionally. I want to give it my all and put a lot of thought into it and read through my posts to make sure it’s ready to be read by my followers.
    I’m really looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for this series! 🙂


  3. Amazing post! Do you have any advice for my blog in particular? I mean, is there something that irks you when you read my posts? Also, do you have any photography tips? My photos are so bad that I always take photos from the web. :/

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally love this post! I always try to steer clear from posting things that I feel aren’t my best work, because who wants to read a post where I barely say anything and the pictures are just okay? 😉 I can’t wait for the next part in this series! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Do you have any advice for me specifically? I’m working on finding a way to download my images that makes the less blurry.


  6. I loved this post Hayley! You’ve really inspired me to work on my posts even more. It’s hard because it takes a while for me to write a post, edit the pictures, edit the post, and finally post it but I try to make it my best.


    • I’m glad you enjoyed it!! And I’m especially glad it inspired you–that’s what I was hoping for!! Not everything is supposed to be easy :).


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